
The PopRock.hr television show was created with the aim of promoting Croatian music, Croatian performers, and authors, produced by the association Izvan Fokusa. Guests from the music world come to the show daily with new songs, the latest stories from the music scene, and awards to honor their biggest fans. The show PopRock.hr is a project of Unison – the Croatian Music Alliance, and it was created with the goal of promoting Croatian music and its authors and performers. With the support of Croatian Radio and Television, this music project encourages the presentation and presence of domestic music at the national level and promotes the creativity and activities of Croatian musicians. In previous editions, the show has proven to be a great opportunity for all young and established authors and performers to present themselves to the wider public in an excellent television slot.
In PopRock.hr, domestic musicians appear daily to showcase their work. Viewers have had the chance to see some of the biggest names in Croatian music, as well as a large number of new musical talents and young musicians who have just released their first singles.
Within the diverse music content, the show brings news and presents new releases from the worlds of pop, rock, jazz, classical, ethno, tamburitza, klapa, and instrumental music. This proves that PopRock.hr covers a wide range of different music genres, and through the show, the significance of music awards such as Porin and Cesarica, festivals and events, and the music industry in general has been further popularized. The show also includes a lot of entertaining content, where music guests recall their first performances, witness dramatic readings of their song lyrics by other musicians, or narrate their ordinary working day in vlog form.
In previous editions, hosts Nina Slišković Goleš, Ivana Mišerić, Tamara Loos, and Ermin Preljević have brought interviews with numerous Croatian music authors and performers with information about concerts, new music releases, and many other news in the lives of our musicians. The shows have also been rich with music videos. In PopRock.hr, up to June 2021, over 500 music premieres have been held, more than 3000 news articles have been published, 1200 musicians and music professionals have appeared as guests, 150 live performances have been held, 4000 music videos have been aired, and 200 reports have been broadcasted. The show was aired in the evening slot on the Second Program of Croatian Television, and it can be followed on the PopRock.hr Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram profiles.
The show was was aired in the evening slof on Channel 2 of the Croatian Radiotelevision, and it can be watched on its official YouTube channel.